Augmented HR Solutions

Health and Wellness

Expanding Your Wellness Journey

As part of our commitment to supporting individuals in the workplace, we have dedicated a significant portion of our book to managing health and wellness while working. Effectively managing or preventing a health condition or disability is vital to sustaining long-term employment and achieving a balanced, fulfilling life.

In addition, we are excited to announce the launch of our new Health and Wellness Division. This division is designed to provide comprehensive tips, tools, and best practices tailored to help individuals, with or without disabilities, manage their health and wellness—not just in their professional lives but also in their personal lives. Our goal is to empower you to maintain your health and wellness to the best of your ability while adopting proactive approaches to managing your health condition or preventing disabilities and chronic health conditions whenever possible.

Health and wellness have always been our passion, and we have dedicated years to researching and applying strategies to improve our health and well-being. This passion drives us to help others achieve their health goals. Our health challenges evolve as we age, and prevention becomes increasingly important. Whether you are just starting your career, approaching retirement, or just beginning retirement, we focus on helping you understand how to make the most of your workplace benefits, support your medical treatments, and incorporate diet, exercise, fitness, and mental health practices into your daily routine.

What makes our health and wellness coaching background, experience, and approach unique is our extensive background in HR, employee benefits, dispute resolution, conflict management, and workplace accommodations expertise. This experience enables us to offer a health and wellness plan beyond the typical focus on fitness, mental health support, and diet. We ensure that your health and wellness plan is comprehensive and leverages all possible supports often overlooked by traditional health coaches. We guide you in discovering and utilizing these resources to successfully manage your health and wellness.

Through this division, we offer a variety of products and services that we use to enhance our health and wellness. As affiliates, we recommend these products and services because we use them and trust them. We also help you find the best prices and can help you get discounted rates on some of these products, ensuring you receive the most value.

A key component of our Health and Wellness Division is personalized coaching. Coaching is a collaborative, personalized process where we work with you to design a customized plan that supports your overall health and wellness goals. This plan addresses your unique needs, challenges, and strengths in your professional and personal life. We guide you in developing actionable strategies that enhance your ability to manage health conditions, optimize workplace benefits, and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Our coaching provides ongoing support, accountability, and resources to help you achieve sustainable physical, mental, and emotional improvements. While we guide you in managing your overall wellness and getting the most out of your healthcare providers’ directions, please note that we are not doctors; our role is to support you in effectively implementing your health and wellness plan.

Whether you are just starting your career, dealing with an existing health condition, facing new challenges as you age, preparing for retirement, or navigating the early stages of retirement, our Health and Wellness Division has resources to support your journey toward better health and wellness.

Let us partner in your wellness journey, providing you with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive at work and in your personal life.